Tuesday, 10 May 2011

I lost my train of thought.

     I used to contemplate everygthing that happened around me. It sometimes made me make a wise disicion, but it also made me feel tired. One day, I seriously meditated on how I can stop thinking of unnessary things. It was not easy to get rid of things from my mind, but I kept trying to be free from my train of thought. As time goes by, my effort started to work out and I realized that the more I considered my past and future, the more I created a lot of thoughts that made me scared. The worse thing was that I couldn't enjoy the present that I actually had.
     What I did to encourage myself was "writing". I started to write a diary every single day to release my emtion and feelings. I checked what was going on my mind and what I wanted to do in my life by writing a journal, so I could gain some sense of catharsis.
     Practice makes perfect. I have been practicing on being free from my thoughts, so I can be aware of myself and satisfied with my life without any concerns and worries. Something tought to deal with might happen to me someday, but it is not as important as knowing myself and feeling free to do whaterver I want.


  1. This is the cutest diary I have ever seen!

    I'm pleased that we have same classes in all. Although I can't help you about studying, you can help me! kkk

    Anyway, congratulation on starting new blog!

  2. Thank you so much! That's very sweet of you!
    I'm also very happy that I can be in the same classes with you:)

    Have a good evening!

  3. Well done, Hee-Jung! I enjoyed reading your reflection, and I find myself very much identifying with your use of writing as a vehicle for catharsis. Keep up the good work!

    By the way, I am curious about something: do you practice meditation? There is a tradition in Buddhism of emptying one's mind so as to be completely focused on the here and now.

  4. I don't think I practice meditation, but I try to watch myself all the time. If you do, it is natural to focus on now:)

    Thank you for your comment!

  5. I can understand what you mentioned and like your style :) We are not perfect, but we have abilities to deal with our concerns. Writing is one of the ways.

    I like the words 'my train of thought' by the way!!

  6. Thank you Momoko! I wish I could have more conversation with you!:)
